"Fides virtus"

Forlivesi, Marco / Quinto, Riccardo / Vecchio, Silvana (Hrsg.)
"Fides virtus"
The Virtue of Faith from the Twelfth to the Early Sixteenth Century
1. Auflage
Tracing the history of the doctrines on the nature of faith is an immense endeavour. What the Middle Ages and the Renaissance felt on this subject resulted in a huge literary production, involving an extensive number of authors and taking a variety of themes into account. Compared to this vast literature, the contributions constituting the present volume have a limited and defined scope: they aim to analyse 12th- to 16th-century doctrines specifically concerned with faith as a theological virtue. In this perspective, a number of recurrent problems of exegetical, theological, pastoral, or political nature have been identified. Among the most significant challenges faced by medieval and Renaissance authors, one can notice the attempt to hold together two key-features defining faith: on the one hand, the gnoseological "weakness" of faith, which is considered an assent, maybe a sort of obscure understanding, yet not a sight, either of God or of anything else; on the other hand, the absolute "certitude" and "truth" of faith, which were the matter of no controversy. These features gave rise to a crucial gnoseological problem, that is to say, how a person adhering to the allegedly true and undeniable faith can really know that his/her faith is nothing but a mere opinion. Another exemplary case concerns the reasoning on faith’s political and ecclesiological dimension. In this respect, faith is not seen primarily as an intellectual attitude, but rather as a sort of theological-anthropological prerequisite, generating, when present, a person’s belonging (or, when absent, a person’s not belonging) to the political community of believers. Precisely the political dimension of faith makes the problem of infidelitas so immediate and dramatic for many medieval and Renaissance authors, and elicits the will to reduce the extent of infidelitas and the number of infideles thanks to a widespread work of predication, persuasion and repression. Facing problems like the ones now recalled, medieval and Renaissance authors, in a supreme effort to solve them, begot the kaleidoscopic variety of differing theories that is the subject of the present publication and that – paradoxically as it may seem – paved the way for medieval, Renaissance and modern discourses on relativism and toleration.

Über den Autor

Marco Forlivesi, is assistant professor of History of Philosophy at Chieti University (Università degli Studi 'Gabriele d'Annunzio' di Chieti e Pescara).
Dr. Riccardo Quinto, is professor at the Department of Philosophy of University of Padua
Dr. Silvana Vecchio, is professor at the Human Sciences Department of Ferrara University


Marco Forlivesi / Silvana Vecchio
Introduction: Faith as a Virtue from the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Century


Inaugural Lecture

Paolo Bettiolo
Le ”caillou“ de la foi. Lectures patristiques d'une vertu théologale
S. 3–22

I. Exegesis

Hideki Nakamura
Fides totius boni initium atque fundamentum. Der Glaubensvollzug in der Schriftauslegung bei Richard von Sankt Viktor (✝ 1173)
S. 23–38

Marcia L. Colish
Faith in Peter Lombard's Collectanea
S. 39–52

Mark J. Clark
Peter Comestor and Stephen Langton: Lecturing on Gospel Faith in Parisian Classrooms from 1150 to 1200
S. 53–72

Tiziano Lorenzin
La fede nei commentari alla Scrittura di Bonaventura da Bagnoregio
S. 73–86

Fortunato Iozzelli
La fede nella Lectura super Lucam di Pietro di Giovanni Olivi
S. 87–110

Matthew Gaetano
Faith in Domingo de Soto's Commentary on Romans
S. 111–136

II. Moral Theology

Constant J. Mews
Abelard and His Contemporaries on Faith: From the Sic et non to the Theologia 'Scholarium' and Beyond
S. 137–150

Fabrizio Mandreoli
La virtus della fede nel De sacramentis Christiane fidei di Ugo di San Vittore
S. 151–182

Francesco Siri
The virtue of faith in Simon of Tournai's Institutiones in sacram paginam
S. 183–208

Magdalena Bieniak
Faith and the Interconnection of the Virtues in William of Auxerre and Stephen Langton
S. 209–220

Riccardo Saccenti
Faith and connexio virtutum in the Treatise of the Theological Virtues in the First Theological Summas (1220s–1240s)
S. 221–236

Thomas Marschler
Der Glaubenstraktat in der Summa theologiae des Thomas von Aquin
S. 237–260

Antonino Poppi
Problemi della fede nelle lezioni di Giovanni Duns Scoto (Lectura III, Reportationes Parisienses III)
S. 261–314

William Duba
Faith in Francis of Meyronnes' Commentary on Book III of the Sentences and in the Tractatus de virtutibus
S. 315–334

Christophe Grellard
La fides chez Guillaume d'Ockham: de la psychologie à l'ecclésiologie
S. 335–370

III. Preaching and Pastoral Theology

Michael Embach
Der Glaube im geistlichen Tugendspiel. Hildegards von Bingen Ordo virtutum
S. 371–388

Richard G. Newhauser
Unerring Faith in the Pulpit: William Peraldus' Tractatus de fide in the Summa de uirtutibus
S. 389–410

Carlo Delcorno
Le prediche sul Credo di Giordano da Pisa
S. 411–448

Silvia Serventi
La fede nelle laudi del Bianco da Siena
S. 449–466

Charles M. A. Caspers
Modern Devout Authors on fides, spes and caritas (Low Countries, 15th c.)
S. 467–482

Christoph Burger
Fides in Sermons and Tracts of the Augustinian Hermits Johannes von Staupitz and Johannes von Paltz
S. 483–492

S. 493–506


Index biblicus
S. 507

Vetus Testamentum
S. 507

Novum Testamentum
S. 507–508

Index nominum et operum anonymorum
S. 509–522

Index condicum manu scriptorum
S. 523–524
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