Why we Need Cusanus

Peroli, Enrico/Maschini, Marco (Eds.)
Why we Need Cusanus
1. Auflage
283 Seiten
In the history of the scholarship on Nicholas of Cusa 1964 was a remarkable year. The fifth centenary of Cusanus’s death was celebrated and two famous Conferences were held in Bernkastel-Kues and Brixen/Bressanone, Nicholas’s German birthplace and episcopal see in South Tyrol, respectively. In the summer of the same year, the theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar published a long article in the cultural supplement of the Swiss newspaper „Basler Volksblattes“ entitled: „Warum wir Cusanus brauchen“. Almost sixty years after Balthasar’s article, in this book philosophers, theologians and scholars from different European countries return to debate on the topicality of Cusanus’s thought and its relevance for contemporary culture.
The contributors to this volume address the question raised by Balthasar in 1964 („Why we need Cusanus“) from various perspectives and from different approaches. In this way, the studies collected here offer the reader a picture of the multiple legacies of Cusanus’s philosophy and, at the same time, enable him to have a look at the new directions of research on Nicholas of Cusa and its developments in the last few decades.

The editors
Enrico Peroli is Full Professor of Moral Philosophy and he is currently teaching at the “G. D'Annunzio“ University of Chieti-Pescara. He is the author of several books and many articles ranging from Ancient Philosophy to the Patristic Tradition, from Neoplatonic thought to German idealism. To Nicholas of Cusa he devoted many essays and an extensive monograph published in Italy in 2021 (Niccolò Cusano. La vita, l'opera, il pensiero, Carocci, Roma 2021, 608 pp.). He also edited the Italian translation and the systematic commentary of all Cusanus’s philosophical and theological writings (Bompiani, Milano 2017).

Marco Moschini is Associate Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Perugia, where he teaches “Theories of the Subject“ and “Philosophy of Religion“. His research focuses mainly on the topics of ontology and dialectics. He is the author of articles and books on classical German and Italian Idealism of the 19th century, on the ontological school of the 20th century and on Cusanus.



Nicholas of Cusa: modern and post-modern. An Introduction
Enrico Peroli-Marco Moschini

Cusanus und die Leidenschaft für das Denken.
Zu Hans Urs von Balthasars „Warum wir Cusanus brauchen“
Isabelle Mandrella

One in Three and Two in One:
The Double Coincidence of Opposites in Nicholas of Cusa 43
John Milbank

Why we need Nicholas of Cusa after the Representationalist Delusion
of Modern Philosophy and Theology
Johannes Hoff

Die Geburt der Naturphilosophie aus dem Geiste der Mystik.
Zur Aktualität transzendentaler Konjekturalität für
eine Philosophie im Anthropozän
Harald Schwaetzer

„Ungenaue Genauigkeit“:
ein Grundgedanke des Cusanus und seine Implikationen
Thomas Leinkauf

Challenges of Religious Pluralism and Fundamentalism.
Understanding „religio“ with Cusanus
Markus Riedenauer

Konjektur, Konkordanz, Kreativität.
Drei Leitideen des Cusanus mit Zukunftspotential
Tilman Borsche

„O miranda facilitas difficilium“.
Mit Cusanus gegen den „Geist der Schwere“
Martin Thurner

Nicholas of Cusa’s thought as mirrored by craftmanship knowledge
Gianluca Cuozzo

Nicolas de Cues et l’altérité irréductible du monde
Jean-Michel Counet

Cusanus: Dualität ohne Dualismus – und darüber hinaus
Wolfgang Christian Schneider

Nicolaus Cusanus und die Hermeneutik
Davide Monaco

Transzendenz und Immanenz im Horizont „Platonischen Skeptizismus“. Zur ästhetischen Vermittlungsleistung cusanischen DenkeN
Michael Eckert
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