The yearbook Archa Verbi as well as the book series Archa Verbi. Subsidia are published by the International Society for the Study of Medieval Theology (IGTM). Languages of publications are English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Archa Verbi accepts articles and text editions which fall within the scope of the Society’s objectives and thematic purpose. The Archa Verbi. Subsidia book series publishes monographs and conference proceedings originating from the wider area of the study of medieval theology. Manuscripts submitted to Archa Verbi undergo a double-blind peer review. Two senior scholars selected by the „scriptores“ evaluate the quality of the research and make recommendations concerning the study’s suitability for publication. On the basis of the peer reviews the „scriptores“, together with the „coetus editionis“, render a decision concerning the publication of the manuscript. Authors will be notified of the decision and – where applicable – of the evaluator’s recommendations and criticisms. If a manuscript is rejected, we strongly encourage resubmission of the article after careful revision, since each resubmission will be examined independent of the original review process. The review section of the yearbook discusses new books from the field of medieval theology and from those associated fields of study relevant to medieval theology. These associated disciplines are, in particular, Church History, History of Exegesis, History of Theology, History of Philosophy, History of Canon Law, and Art History, that are considered relevant insofar as they advance the study and knowledge of medieval theology.
Piotr Roszak/Jorgen Vijgen
The Reception of the Letters of Paul: Introduction • 9
Martin Mayerhofer FSO
Between Tradition and Innovation.
Medieval Pauline Exegesis and its Dependence on the Fathers • 13
Volker Leppin
Paul a Mystic? Medieval Perceptions • 27
Peter O’Hagan
Ut esset basis sub columna.
St. Paul as Model Theologian in Peter Lombard’s Magna glosatura
on the Pauline Epistles • 43
Marcin Trepczynski
Reasoning in the Exegesis of Pauline Letters.
Stephen Langton, Robert Grosseteste, Thomas Aquinas • 63
Timothy Bellamah, OP
Sicut facula ardens.
Paul as an Incendiary Peacemaker in Guerric of
St. Quinton’s Postilla super Epistolam ad Romanos • 81
Brandon L. Wanless
Aristotle’s “Metaphorical Justice” and Paul’s “Justified by Faith”.
Aquinas’s Account of Justification in his Pauline Commentaries • 91
Jan Klok
The Exegesis of Paul in the Context of Late Medieval Devout Circles • 111
Ulrike Treusch
A New Perspective on Paul?
Marsilio Ficino’s Commentary on the
Letter to the Romans (c. 1496–1499) • 137
Stefan Krauter
The Apostle Paul as the Founder of the Christian Liturgy.
Medieval, Reformation, and Anti-reformation Readings of 1 Tim 2:1 • 149
Benjamin Manig
Contrasting the Middle Ages.
Bullinger’s Interpretation of ex fide in fidem in Rom 1:17 • 161
Noemi Schurmann
Reformation Discourses of ‘Old’ and ‘New’
in Ephesians Commentaries • 177
Jacco Verburgt
Messianization as Decommunitization.
On Assessing Agamben’s Approach to Romans
With the Help of Aquinas 193
Henryk Anzulewicz
In memoriamZenon Kaluza (1936–2023) • 205
Dorothee Schenk: Monastische Bildung. Johannes Cassians
Collationes Patrum
recensuit Jan Klok • 209
Johannes Jacobus Knecht: Verus Filius Dei Incarnatus.
The Christologies of Paulinus II of Aquileia, Benedict of Aniane,
and Agobard of Lyon in the Context of the Felician Controversy
recensuit Andrew Gertner Belfield • 212
Martin Mayerhofer: Die lateinischen patristischen und mittelalterlichen
Epheserkommentare. Untersuchungen zu ihrer Exegese und Ekklesiologie
recensuit Jan Klok • 215
Thomas von Aquin: Summa theologiae, Bd. 9 A:
Ziel und Handeln des Menschen. Text; Bd. 9 B:
Ziel und Handeln des Menschen. Kommentar. Deutsch-lateinische Ausgabe
recensuit Maximilian Forschner • 217
Élisabeth Boncour: Maître Eckhart lecteur d’Origene. Sources, exégèse,
anthropologie, théogénésie
recensuit Sofia Castello • 219
Verena Krebs: Medieval Ethiopian Kingship, Craft,
and Diplomacy with Latin Europe
recensuit Endale Haile Fereja • 221
Martina Roesner (Hg.): Philosophische Schriftauslegung.
Geschichte eines ungewohnlichen Programms
recensuit Maura Zatonyi OSB • 224
Directiones Auctorum • 227