The Deaconesses of the Armenian Church

Manoukian, Abel
The Deaconesses of the Armenian Church
The Deaconesses of the Armenian Church
1. Auflage
192 Seiten

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In the early Church, female disciples, prophetesses, virgins, widows, and deaconesses played an active role in the life of early Christian communities and contributed significantly to the spread of Christianity. Unlike other apostolic Churches, the Armenian Apostolic Church has maintained the unique tradition from the early Christian Church and preserved it to this day. Although women are not permitted to be ordained as priests, they may serve at the holy altar and proclaim the Word of God in the Church as ordained deaconesses alongside deacons, priests, and bishops. This volume explores the role of the deaconess within the tradition of the Armenian Apostolic Church, tracing its historical development through various stages.

Abel H. Manoukian, born in Beirut, Lebanon, received his Master's degree (1987) and his Doctorate in Theology (1993) from the University of Vienna. He served Armenian Church communities in Austria, Armenia, Canada, and Switzerland, and has authored numerous works in several languages. Currently, he is the General Secretary of the Swiss Council of Religions.


Table of Contents

Acknowledgements • 7

Preface • 9

Introduction • 11

Jesus and Women of His Time • 14

Evidence in the New Testament • 16

Evidence in the First Three Centuries • 18

The Classical Period of Deaconesses (3rd – 6th cc.) • 20

Syriac Didascalia Apostolorum or “Teaching of the Apostles” • 20

Apostolic Constitutions (4th c.) • 23

The Testament of Jesus Christ (5th c.) • 24

Deaconesses in the Byzantine Tradition • 27

Deaconesses in the Syrian Church • 30

Deaconesses in the Armenian Church • 33

Evidence from the Eighth Century: The First Armenian Female
Hymnographers • 38

Evidence on Deaconesses from the 12th Century Onwards • 43

Revival of the Female Diaconate in the 17th Century • 59

Vestments of Deaconesses • 69

Armenian Nunneries Outside the Borders of Armenia • 73

Female Monasteries of Virtuous Armenian Women and the Nunnery
of St H?ip‘simian Virgins in Poland in 16th–17th Centuries • 73

St Katarine’s Convent of New Julfa • 83

St Step‘anos’s Convent of Tbilisi • 89

Congregation of “Galfayean National Orphanage of Presentation of
the Holy Virgin at the Age of Three” in Constantinople • 109

Dawning Hopes • 119

Photographic Documentation • 146

St Katarine’s Convent of New Julfa • 146

St Step‘anos’s Convent of Tbilisi • 150

The Orphan-Nurturing Sisters of the Galfayean Community • 163

Bibliography • 173

List of Manuscripts • 173

Literature • 174

Index • 183
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