The Society of Oriental Liturgy (SOL) is an international academic society dedicated to the scholarly study of the various Eastern Christian liturgical traditions and related fields in all its aspects and phases, including allied disciplines, and its multiple methodologies. By this it unites scholars from all denominations.
This volume contains the proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgy (SOL), held in Thessaloniki, Greece, from June 13 to 18, 2022. Gathering scholars from around the globe, the Congress fostered vibrant exchanges on the diverse traditions and expressions of Eastern Christian liturgy. Participants shared research in multiple languages, exploring questions that advance our understanding of liturgical history and practice. The 16 peer-reviewed papers in this collection examine the Armenian, Byzantine, Coptic, Ethiopian, and Syriac traditions, addressing historical developments from Late Antiquity and the Medieval period, with some extending their scope to the late twentieth century. Contributions include in-depth studies of historical texts and manuscripts, early results from ongoing projects, and analyses of the reception and performance of liturgical texts across various rites. This volume offers rich insights for scholars and readers interested in the multifaceted world of Eastern Christian liturgy.
Preface • 7
Abbreviations • 9
Papers from the Eighth International Congress
of the Society of Oriental Liturgy
13–18 June 2022
Thessaloniki, Greece
Gerard Rouwhorst –Presidential Address
Comparative Liturgy and Beyond • 15
Stefanos Alexopoulos
The Origins and Evolution of a New Office: The Office of Doxology
for March 25 in the Church of Greece • 35
Alexandr Andreev
The Early East Slavic Horologion: A Review and Re-Interpretation of
the Sources • 59
Theodora Antonopoulou
Why Homilies? Some Non-Mainstream Uses of Sermons in
Byzantium • 119
Diliana Atanassova & Lina Elhage-Mensching
The Digital Edition and Critical Evaluation of the Coptic Holy Week
Lectionary: Outline of a New Project in Coptic Studies • 139
Mary K. Farag
Trading Places: The Reception of Pachomius and Theophilus in
Hagiographical and Homiletic Texts • 157
Emmanuel Fritsch
The Introduction of the Phrase “Send the Grace of the Holy Spirit
Upon Us” and the Development and Bearing of the Fraction of the
Bread: The Moment of Consecration in the G???z Church
(Part II) • 233
Marie-Ève Geiger
The Structure of Liturgical Calendars in Greek Tetraevangelia • 277
Martin Lüstraeten
The Eucharistic Prayer in the Arabic Tradition of the Testamentum
Domini • 303
Šimon Marincák
The Anaphora of St. John Chrysostom in Slovak Translations • 331
Hugo Méndez
Jewish Feasts on the Jerusalem Calendar? Challenging Another “Myth
of Jewish-Christian Origins” • 351
Marcel Metzger
La Liturgie dans les recueils de traditions apostoliques (Règlements
ecclésiastiques) • 371
Arsenius Mikhail
A Typology of Bohairic Coptic Euchologia: Introduction to a Project &
Preliminary Results • 389
Damaskinos (Olkinuora) of Xenophontos
Approaching Liturgical Texts: Assumptions Reconsidered • 405
Papers from the Sixth International Congress
of the Society of Oriental Liturgy
11–16 September 2016
Etchmiadzin, Armenia
Charles Renoux
Du Lectionnaire de Jérusalem au Lectionnaire de l’Albanie du
Caucase • 429
Michael Daniel Findikyan
The Function of the Gawit‘ in Medieval Armenian Monasteries • 459