Building the House of Wisdom

Hallensleben / Zwahlen / Papanikolaou / Kalaitzidis (eds.)
Building the House of Wisdom
Sergii Bulgakov and Contemporary Theology: New Approaches and Interpretations
1. Auflage
536 Seiten
Sergii Bulgakov (1871–1944) is one of the preeminent theologians of the 20th century whose work is still being discovered and explored in and for the 21st. A famous rival of Lenin in the field of economics, and, according to Wassily Kandinsky, “one of the deepest experts on religious life” in early twentieth-century Russian art and culture, Bulgakov, economist, publicist, politician, and later Orthodox theologian and priest, became a significant “global player” in both the Orthodox diaspora and the Ecumenical movement in the interwar period.
This anthology gathers a collection of papers given at the international conference on the occasion of Bulgakov’s 150th birthday at the University of Fribourg in September 2021. The chapters, written by established Bulgakov specialists, not least the keynote speaker Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury (2002–2012), as well as young researchers from different theological disciplines and ecclesiastical traditions, explore Bulgakov’s contribution to meeting the challenges of the modern world and to building bridges between East and West. The authors bring forth a wide range of new creative ways to critically engage with Bulgakov’s theological worldview and cover topics such as personhood, ecology, political theology and trinitarian ontology.

Table of Contents

Barbara Hallensleben / Regula M. Zwahlen / Aristotle Papanikolaou / Pantelis Kalaitzidis
Building the House of Wisdom. Editors' Introduction
p. 11–24

Personhood and Anthropology

Rowan Williams
Sergii Bulgakov's Christology and Beyond
p. 25–42

David Bentley Hart
Masks, Chimaeras, and Portmanteaux: Sergii Bulgakov and the Metaphysics of the Person
p. 43–62

Mark McInroy
Bulgakov and Lot-Borodine as Shapers of Deification in the West
p. 63–76

Ivan Ilin
“Transcende te ipsum”: Faith, Prayer and Name-Worship in Bulgakov's Unfading Light
p. 77–90

Sarah Elizabeth Livick-Moses
The Kenotic Iconicity of Sergii Bulgakov's Divine-Humanity: Doctrinal, Anthropological, and Feminist Considerations
p. 91–106

Jack Louis Pappas
Sergii Bulgakov's Fragile Absolute: Kenosis, Difference, and Positive Disassociation
p. 107–122

Deborah Casewell
The Authenticity of Creativity: The Philosophical and Theological Anthropologies of Nikolai Berdiaev and Sergei Bulgakov
p. 123–136

Justin Shaun Coyle
Bulgakov on Mangodhood – or, Satan after Schelling
p. 137–152

Politics, Economy, and Ecology

Catherine Evtuhov / Regula M. Zwahlen
Seven Days of Narod: Sergei Bulgakov's Christian Socialist Newspaper
p. 153–176

Nikos Kouremenos
Is It All the Greeks' Fault? Reconsidering the Byzantine Legacy in Sergius Bulgakov's By the Walls of Cherson
p. 177–192

Alexei P. Kozyrev
“The Sophia Dispute” in the Context of Political Ontology
p. 193–208

Antoine Arjakovsky
Sophiology and Personalism, Foundations of the New Political Science in the Twenty-First Century
p. 209–220

Nathaniel Wood
Sergii Bulgakov's Chalcedonian Politics of Personhood
p. 221–234

Dionysios Skliris
The World as the Household of Wisdom: Political Theology and Philosophy of Economy
p. 235–246

Tikhon Vasilyev
Rethinking the Language of Economics as a Systematic Christian Response to Economic and Ecological Crises in the Thought of Sergii Bulgakov
p. 247–258

Austin Foley Holmes
Bulgakov's Ecology
p. 259–274


Liubov A. Petrova
The Reception of Palamite Theology in the Sophiology of Sergii Bulgakov
p. 275–288

Natalia Vaganova
An Unfinished Dispute. How is it Possible to Criticize Bulgakov's Sophiology at the Present Time?
p. 289–300

Joshua Heath
Sophiology, Ascesis and Prophecy
p. 301–316

Dario Colombo
Mariology as Personalized Sophiology. Sergii Bulgakov's Chalcedonian Theology
p. 317–330

Paul L. Gavrilyuk
The Training for Dying and Death: A New Reading of Bulgakov's Sophiology
p. 331–350

Creation and Ontology

Caleb Henry
Sergii Bulgakov's Early Marxism: A Narrative of Development
p. 351–364

Taylor Ross
Creatio ex sapientia in Bulgakov's Unfading Light: The Influence of F. W. J. Schelling
p. 365–380

Brandon Gallaher
Sergii Bulgakov's Chalcedonian Ontology and the Problem of Human Freedom
p. 381–408

Antonio Bergamo
Sergii Bulgakov: Between Kenotic Theology of the Event and Trinitarian Ontology
p. 409–418

Nikolaos Asproulis
From Social Trinity to “Linguistic Trinity”: Sergii Bulgakov's Contribution to Analytic Theology
p. 419–434

John Milbank
Sergii Bulgakov: From Grammar to Wisdom
p. 435–462

Ecumenical Perspectives

Pavel Khondzinsky
Father Sergii Bulgakov's “Karamazov's excursus”
p. 463–474

Graham McGeoch
Ships in the Theological Night? Sergius Bulgakov and Liberation Theology
p. 475–488

Oliver Dürr
“Your Labor Is Not in Vain.” Sergii Bulgakov's Sophiology as a Key to a (Protestant) Theology of the Kingdom of God
p. 489–500

Paul Ladouceur
Sergius Bulgakov and Modern Theology
p. 501–520

Adalberto Mainardi
The Vision of Unity. The Ecumenical Thought of Fr. Sergii Bulgakov
p. 521–534

List of Contributors
p. 535–536

Über den Autor

Barbara Hallensleben, Professor of Dogmatic Theology and Theology of Ecumenism at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. She is coeditor of the German edition of the Russian theologian Sergii Bulgakov’s work.
Regula M. Zwahlen, Dr. phil., Scientific Director of the Sergii Bulgakov Research Center at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. She is coeditor of the German edition of the Russian theologian Sergii Bulgakov’s work.
Aristotle Papanikolaou, Professor of Theology, Archbishop Demetrios Chair in Orthodox Theology and Culture, and Co-Founding Director of the Orthodox Christian Studies Center, Fordham University (New York, USA).
Pantelis Kalaitzidis, Director, Volos Academy for Theological Studies (Greece), Member of the Executive Committee of the European Academy of Religion.

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